The Love and Dedication Bengals Deserve | Pet Perfect Bengals
Bengal cats & kittens that will be your “Perfect Pet PurrEver”

Keep Your Bengal Cat Hydrated, Healthy, & Happy

A Bengal cat’s low thirst drive can quietly lead to serious health issues if not carefully managed. Even if your Bengal doesn’t seem eager to drink, maintaining proper hydration is essential for their health and well-being.

Hydration is crucial, it supports vital organ function, regulates body temperature, and keeps your Bengal lively and energetic. Imagine your Bengal kitten, full of curiosity, leaping gracefully from one surface to another.

This boundless energy hinges on consistent hydration, as dehydration can cause severe issues like poor circulation, organ dysfunction, and neurological problems. But don’t worry, there are simple, effective ways to encourage your Bengal to drink more water, ensuring they stay healthy, happy, and ready for their next adventure.

How Can You Encourage Hydration?

Are you feeding your Bengal cat a diet that supports their hydration needs? Bengals naturally have a low thirst drive, meaning they won’t instinctively drink large amounts of water. However, feeding them raw or wet food can significantly boost their water intake.
These types of food are moisture-rich, providing a source of hydration with every meal. This is especially beneficial if your Bengal kitten isn’t keen on drinking from a bowl.

Water Fountains: A Fun and Effective Solution

Have you ever noticed how your Bengal is fascinated by running water? Like many cats, Bengals are instinctively drawn to moving water because they perceive it as safer and fresher than stagnant water. This is why you might find them trying to drink from the faucet. Installing a water fountain in your home can replicate this experience, making it more likely that your Bengal cat will stay hydrated. Water fountains are practical and add an interactive element to your Bengal’s daily routine.

Placement of Water Sources: Make Hydration Easy and Accessible

Have you thought about where to place your Bengal cat’s water bowls and fountains? Simply having water available isn’t enough,  strategic placement is key. Place water bowls and fountains in active areas of your home where your Bengal spends most of their time. This encourages them to take sips throughout the day rather than ignoring their hydration needs.

When choosing water bowls and fountains, opt for porcelain, ceramic, or stainless steel materials.
Why? Unlike plastic, which can contain harmful chemicals such as BPA, these materials are non-toxic and safe, even plastic products labeled as BPA-free can pose risks, as they may contain other toxic substances. Moreover, plastic surfaces can easily get scratched, creating breeding grounds for bacteria that could harm your Bengal.

Recommended Water Fountains for Your Bengal

Choosing the right water fountain for your Bengal is important. Here are a few top recommendations that combine functionality with safety:

Taking Steps to Prevent Dehydration

How can you be sure your Bengal cat is drinking enough water?
Monitor how much water they consume daily and watch for signs of dehydration, such as lethargy or dry gums. If you notice anything unusual, consult your veterinarian for advice.
Keeping your Bengal kitten hydrated is not just about providing water, it’s about making it accessible, safe, and appealing. To ensure your Bengal’s health, follow the above hydration tips by Pet Perfect Bengals.

Last Updated: 10/14/2024

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