In forever home
- Gender: Female
- Color: Charcoal Silver
- Birthday: 2/12/2023
- Name Origin: Ursa Major Constellation
- Release Day: 4/9/2023
- Go Home Day: 5/7/2023 – 5/13/23
Kappa’s Parents
King: Galaxy – Charcoal Silver (Apb/a, I/i, C/cs)
Queen: Nova – Silver (D/d, A/Apb, I/i)
Kappa’s Siblings

Kappa is outgoing, affectionate, and loves to “talk.” Her meows are unique, often rolled and impossible to ignore when she’s asking for attention. She’s quick to respond when called and enjoys spending time with her human companions. Kappa isn’t as interested in other cats, except for her best friend and sister Lambda, who she loves to snuggle and play with. As an active cat, she finds joy in running on the cat wheel and playing with toys.