Milky Way - Pet Perfect Bengals
Bengal cats & kittens that will be your “Perfect Pet PurrEver”

Milky Way

In forever home

  • Gender: Female
  • Color: Charcoal Silver
  • Birthday: 8/5/23
  • Name Origin: Nearest Galaxies
  • Release Day: 10/2/23
  • Go Home Week: 11/3/23 – 11/9/23

Milky Way’s Parents
King: Galaxy – Charcoal Silver (Apb/a, I/i, C/cs)

Queen: Nova – Silver (D/d, A/Apb, I/i)

Milky Way’s Siblings

  1. Milky Way
  2. Andromeda
  3. Leo
  4. Phoenix
  5. Barnard

Milky Way may be small, but she’s full of confidence and curiosity. Independent by nature, she likes to do things on her own terms, though she won’t hesitate to ask for attention when she’s in the mood. Playtime is a must—whether it’s chasing toys, pouncing on springs, or dashing on the cat wheel. Her love for food shows in her happy little “Yum” between bites. Milky Way would do well in either a single or multi-cat household, as long as she has room to explore and express her independent spirit.

Last Updated: 10/14/2024

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