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Health is our #1 Goal!

At Pet Perfect Bengals this starts before the kittens are even born by making sure their parents are in excellent health. Our Kings and Queens are vetted and genetically tested to ensure excellent health. Their testing includes: FIV, FELV ( Negative) & PK Def, PRA, PRA Bengal (N/N) & 40+ genetic health tests, genetic diversity, and 20+ traits. We also test for 6 Respiratory and 9 Digestive health concerns. To continually promote the Bengal cat’s health they must be provided with an optimal environment for development, this includes:

  • A good diet
  • Clean fresh water
  • Access to sunlight
  • Space to run, jump and play
  • A clean and stimulating environment
  • Minimized stress
  • Lots of love & attention

Hereditary Conditions

This inherited disorder causes degeneration of the light-sensing retina at the back of the eye, resulting in vision loss or blindness.   This is an inherited disease which means it can be prevented by confirming negative results on genetic tests of the kings and queens before breeding. Cats with two copies of the variant are at risk, Cats with one variant are carriers.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Wisdom Panel / Optimal Selection DNA
This inherited disorder causes anemia due to the breakdown of red blood cells. Symptoms include Pale mucous membranes, Lethargy, Lack of appetite, Weight loss, Icterus (jaundice), Abdominal enlargement, and Diarrhea.   This is an inherited disease which means it can be prevented by confirming negative results on genetic tests of the kings and queens before breeding. Cats with two copies of the variant are at risk, Cats with one variant are carriers.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Wisdom Panel / Optimal Selection DNA
This inherited disease causes the formation of fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys that can lead to kidney failure. This is the most common inherited disease in cats.   This is an inherited disease which means it can be prevented by confirming negative results on genetic tests of the kings and queens before breeding. Cats with only one copy of the variant are at risk.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Wisdom Panel / Optimal Selection DNA
This inherited cardiac condition thickens the heart muscle, so the organ has to work much harder, causing several health problems. Blood clots or thrombosis can ensue, making the back legs motionless. This important health problem can also lead to heart failure, resulting in death.   The first signs of cardiomyopathy include shortness of breath and excessive fatigue. If you’d like to learn more watch this video by Kathryn M. Muers, DVM, PhD   *Pet Perfect Bengals Kittens have a 2-year guarantee against any hereditary genetic issues including HCM


This parasitic infection usually infects the intestinal tract causing watery, bloody or mucous diarrhea, weakness and fever, vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration. Coccidiosis is particularly dangerous in kittens because of their underdeveloped immune system. Coccidia spreads through contact with infected feces or ingestion of infected tissues. Most adults affected have no symptoms but continuously shed the parasites in their feces, thereby spreading the infection.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Zoologix Diarrheal PCR Panel
This parasitic intestinal infection causes diarrhea, bloody or mucous stool, often accompanied by gas production. This is spread by the fecal-oral route. Giardia can flare into a significant disease in cats with previously low-grade infestations that are malnourished, stressed, or undergoing strenuous physical activity. Giardia is particularly dangerous in kittens because of their underdeveloped immune system.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Zoologix Diarrhea PCR Panel
This parasitic intestinal infection likes the warm, moist, and oxygen-deprived conditions inside the feline colon. Infected cats may or may not have symptoms. Symptoms include diarrhea, characterized by cow pie-like stools that are often gassy and (stinky) malodorous. Sometimes there can be mucus or fresh blood in the stool or feces can dribble from the anus. This is spread by the fecal-oral route. A Trichomonas Foetus specific test must be performed for diagnosis, as fecal floats and Giardia SNAP tests do not work. This is often misdiagnosed as Giardia because of the similarities when viewed under a microscope. Testing using a PCR Panel avoids many of the disadvantages of other methods and is rapid and highly sensitive. Tritrichomonas Foetus infects kittens much more strongly than adult Bengal cats.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Zoologix Diarrhea PCR Panel

Viral Infections

This virus causes an inability for the body to develop a normal immune response. Because of this most infected cats develop certain types of cancer and other infections that affect their health. Even Though this is a virus, some cats have no symptoms and have a normal life expectancy.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Blood Test
This viral disease attacks the health of the cat by altering the immune system and causing certain types of cancers. This viral infection is responsible for the majority of deaths in domestic cats. However, like the FIV, some cats have no symptoms and have a normal life expectancy.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Blood Test
This virus is caused by a mutation of the coronavirus, which tends to attack the cells of the intestinal wall. Signs of both forms include fever, anorexia, weight loss and lethargy. It's a severe health problem, but it is very rare, and only 3% of the coronavirus-positive cats will develop the FIP. Coronavirus alone is not problematic; it only is when it mutates into FIP. Many cats that have the coronavirus have no symptoms.
This virus causes an acute respiratory illness in cats known as Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR). Cats that are infected develop respiratory symptoms including sneezing, nasal discharge, rhinitis, eye discharge, and conjunctivitis. The virus can also affect the reproductive tract and cause complications during pregnancy. FHV-1 is extremely viral and is transmitted by direct (cat to cat) or indirect (contaminated objects) contact. The major problem with this infection is that some cats can carry the FHV-1 virus with no symptoms and intermittently spread the virus. It can infect cats of all ages, but it is more common in kittens because of their weak immune system.   *Pet Perfect Bengals tests for this using: Zoologix Respiratory PCR Panel

IMPORTANT: Ketamine (an anesthetic) should NOT be administered to Bengal cats

Because the Bengals body may not be able to break down Ketamine properly, an overdose or severe reaction can occur, which could include extreme hallucinations, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, dehydration, and death. Reactions may not occur right away as ketamine stays in the blood for a while and doesn’t wear off quickly.